Frontier Venture is partner to the ERASMUS+ project “BuildSkills Academy: Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment”, which had its kick-off meeting in Sofia, end of June 2023 .
The construction sector, a major employer in Europe, has significant environmental, societal and economic impact and is identified as a priority for the twin transition and achievement of resource-efficient and competitive economy. The sector faces major challenges in attracting young and skilled workers as well as in re-skilling and upskilling of the active workforce. Knowledge gaps and evolving market needs towards transitional skills and competences emerge all over Europe while the VET systems in the different MSs are slow in the introduction of these skills into their offerings. Additionally, the competence recognition frameworks remain segmented in the MSs with no mutual standard for certification of transitional skills.
The Academy for transitional skills in the built environment (BuildSkills Academy) will respond to these needs and will support the skills ecosystems to drive the twin transition by developing a transnational cooperation platform of CoVEs, aiming to foster VET excellence for the construction sector.
By uniting 17 educational, industrial and exploitation partners from 7 EU countries (BG, CY, GR, IT, LT, DE, FR), 2 associated countries (Serbia and Norway) and 1 country not associated to the programme (Bosnia and Herzegovina) the BuildSkills Academy will design and roll-out:
- BuildEnrichedSkills methodology and a procedure for adaptation of learning provision which will serve for VET centers in Europe to adapt their offerings more quickly and to prepare workers for the digital and green transition in occupations of high demand.
- Certification framework for recognition of these skills and competences – a world-class reference for improvement and certification of VET provision
These outcomes will be transferred to 6 pilots covering 300 trainees and exploited to reach out to 100 VET providers, 1000 companies and 20 high-level organizations in the construction skills ecosystem realizing 100 VET-industry cooperations for vocational excellence.
Duration: 48 months – Start date 1 June 2023 – End date 31 May 2027
Budget: € 3 938 490.00
37 partners